An ongoing attempt at creating my first blog. This will mainly be a place to post photos concerning me, my Topaz, and wanderings. You may find a range of subjects from the technical discoveries, suggestions, helpful hints, photos of places, people, and just plain whimsical notions. Comments are welcome The format may change from time to time as I get familiar with the program.
Rock Store Visit July 26 2008
Rock Store Visit July 2008
Finally made it to The Rock Store in the hills just above Malibu near Santa Monica. This quaint restaurant located in the Santa Monica Mountains is a weekend place where motorcyclists from all walks of life gather, often times including Hollywood Celebrities. Jay Leno is known to frequent this spot frequently on Sunday Mornings.
I met up with a group of guys from The Los Angeles Vulcan Riders and Owners Club (LAVROC). There were only eight of us this time. The club is quite active and usually organize some sort of ride each weekend.
Cooks Corner Revisited
Four way flasher video
New Mufflers.

These new mufflers were obtained by going to a local Harley Davidson Dealer and inquiring as to what happens to old parts when someone has new after market installed. He told me they are kept in a discard bin for ten days and then thrown out! These were practically new and did not cost me one cent!
Bolt on to the new mufflers.