and from the side..
Kind of "retro" Looking.
It seems like there is no end to little projects. I added this fender light after seeing one similar in a profile. I could have used an "Indian replica", but went with this one instead. I was a bit nervous about drilling holes in the fender as you only get one shot at it and then you are committed. The wires are secured beneath the fender by imbedding in a bead of silicon adhesive.
An ongoing attempt at creating my first blog. This will mainly be a place to post photos concerning me, my Topaz, and wanderings. You may find a range of subjects from the technical discoveries, suggestions, helpful hints, photos of places, people, and just plain whimsical notions. Comments are welcome The format may change from time to time as I get familiar with the program.
A bit of Nostalgia - Fender Lighting

Later on, I modified the LED strip by replacing the existing strip with two smaller ones on the ends and a 9.5 inch in the middle. The middle strip is connected to the run/brake lines via a diode bridge circuit. All three LED strips are housed in the original plastic housing.
Still Later, I used the same concept and placed a flexible LED strip inside the OEM turn signal housings, powered them from the same Diode Bridge Source, and now have run/turn/brake functions from the turn signal housings.
trunk mountings
Its in the details